Core Values
With integrity and transparency, Lufkin Creative serves as a responsible partner and trusted broker to encourage and facilitate artistic and cultural growth in Lufkin and Angelina County.
Lufkin Creative amplifies community voices while promoting the proposed cultural district’s uniqueness and its many creative enterprises.
Through collaboration and inclusiveness, Lufkin Creative uses art and culture as a catalyst for economic growth, artistic expression and enhanced quality of life for all.
Lufkin Creative provides opportunities for artists, creatives and scholars from all mediums to encourage and to engage residents and visitors in the arts in innovative ways.
To cultivate and support an authentic and collaborative thriving arts community.
For Lufkin to be a vibrant, creative, inclusive community that inspires and engages everyone through the arts.

Lufkin Creative Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Executive Director: Jackie Zimmerman
Co-chair: Sally Alvis Co-Chair: Becca Chance
Chair Elect: Becky Cota
Secretary: Terra Fidone
Treasurer: William Rothhauser
Board Members
Anya Lundberg
Aubrey Prunty
Caitlyn Kirkland
Cori Hooton
Diana Throckmorton
Emily Hyatt
Erin Gentry
Jansen Davis
Kivana Ford
Robbie Kuykendall
Rudy Flores
Sarah Levine
Sibyl Delgrolice
Guessippina Bonner
Tara Hendrix
Tara Watson-Watkins